217x312-complications-book-cover-for-ads-300-dpiCOMPLICATIONS: Book #3 in The McFadden Series

Dr. Lauren McFadden and Bryan invite architect John Reynolds to view their finished estate home in the Berkshire Hills of western Massachusetts.

Newest resident Terry Evans continues to grieve the loss of both arms and refuses contact with anyone outside the home. Cameron Jones fits in as the youngest member to join the family. Jeff Gaithers becomes Bryan’s volunteer assistant for the winter semester, thanks to the college dean. The med student turns everyone against him in just one week. Buddy and Noah try to keep peace among the boys, but the college staff assistants engage in their own private battle over Noah’s old school friend.

As if a houseful of young men didn’t already complicate life at home, three girlfriends add an extra dimension to the teenage drama.

David still has hope of finding his missing horse; meanwhile, he helps Bryan select horses to fill the new barn. Devon is on a mission to win a national academic competition that will pay off in scholarship money if he wins. The family prepares for the annual spring festival at Father Cody’s church. Lauren steps out of her comfort zone to enter a dance contest with Bryan to benefit the high school.

Bryan reminds Dr. McFadden that big changes are in store with the older boys dating and learning to drive. Moving forward sounds exciting, but for the young men who struggle with devastating losses, the toughest challenges are only just beginning.

Available from AmazonKindle, and online orders from other fine bookstores.

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Paperback Print-on-DemandSeries: The McFadden Series


Paperback: 340 pages
Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing
Platform; 1 edition (June 27, 2015)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1500219312
ISBN-13: 978-1500219314
Product Dimensions: 6 x 0.8 x 9 inches

Kindle EbookFile Size: 759 KB


Print Length: 375 pages
Publication Date: June 26, 2015
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services, Inc.
Language: English