4.a Vital Signs bookcover AD JPG 217x312 300VITAL SIGNS: Book #4 in The McFadden Series

Dr. Lauren McFadden is looking forward to a relaxed summer schedule as the story continues with Vital Signs, Book #4 in The McFadden Series. Bryan McFadden has hopes of a camping trip despite the challenges—and the doctor’s protest—of exploring the Mohawk Trail with nine teenage boys and young men.

The younger teens are thriving, but it’s not all sun and fun at the multimillion-dollar estate. Noah and Buddy face conflicts in their relationship. David continues the search for his beloved horse. Days before the family trip, Bryan receives word that his father, Jared McFadden, has died. A trip to Bryan’s hometown uncovers a teenage half-brother and other family secrets he’d prefer to keep locked in the closet.

In the university town of Westfield, things rarely go as planned for Ian Fielding. He lost his academic scholarship and lost his job. He now fears he’ll lose his boyfriend after Dr. Lauren McFadden and her husband hire Kevin Fitzgerald to work at the McFadden estate.

Michael reminds the doctor that every story has two sides after a turnpike crash sends a friend to the hospital with life-threatening injuries. Lauren explains the challenges of daily care and long-term rehab for someone with a traumatic brain injury. The hours in therapy will place heavy demands on Bryan and on her workload. Will Craig Fisher’s parents come through for him? Should Bryan and Lauren intervene before the state sends Craig to a nursing home? Will the compromises and sacrifices expected from the rest of the family be worth it?

Available from AmazonKindle, and online orders from other fine bookstores.

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Paperback Print-on-Demand


Product details
Series: The McFadden Series (Book 4)
Paperback: 331 pages
Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing
Platform (November 18, 2018)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1533444099
ISBN-13: 978-1533444097
Product Dimensions: 6 x 0.8 x 9 inches

Kindle Ebook


File Size: 729 KB
Print Length: 342 pages
Publication Date: November 17, 2018
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Language: English
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
Word Wise: Enabled
Lending: Enabled
Screen Reader: Supported
Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled